Nature calls: The secret to finding inner peace in your local park

Nature calls: The secret to finding inner peace in your local park

Whether taking a walk in your local park or sitting quietly under the sun, being close to nature brings a sense of calm to us. So, employers should encourage their employees to spend more time out in nature not only for their wellbeing but also to improve the productivity of their happy and engaged employees. 

Taking a walk in the park, exploring the nearby conservatories, or going on a hiking trail are all great ways to exercise and release those happy hormones. Plus, it's a great way to disconnect from regular office work, the busy commute traffic, and city life and connect with nature. 

Things that you can do:

  • Visiting some greenery, even on a dull and gloomy day, can uplift your mood.
  • Getting outdoors on a sunny day is a great way to boost Vitamin D in your body.
  • If there's a trail, use it to walk back from work. 

Why companies should encourage employees to spend time outdoors

While it may seem that spending time outdoors is an unproductive activity, data says otherwise. In a survey, 90% of the participants said that spending time outdoors improved their work-life balance and productivity overall. Outdoor time makes us part of something greater than ourselves. It gives us the much-needed mental rest, which improves memory, productivity, impulse control, and creativity. 

Organizations that encourage employees to spend time outdoors


Do you know that employees at EKS&H LLP have 11 months a year? Then what do you do in the 12th month? Employees can buy this time and enjoy it as paid time off in addition to their regular holidays. Employees can take one day off at a time or four weeks off at one go. It fosters a healthy work culture and encourages employees to spend time with friends and families vacationing at their favorite spots. Employees can also take off every Friday throughout the summer to spend more time under the sun. 


Edmunds started an innovative program called TripCa$h, where employees received a $500 vacation subsidy annually for spending time outdoors. The only condition for this unique program was the vacation had to be on an otherwise working day. The employees were needed to submit a photo of them from their vacation. This program helped Edmunds employees escape their routine lives and took them to new places. Soon, walls at Edmunds were filled with photos of employees from their vacation. Pictures of employees climbing the glaciers in Greenland, touring the temples of Bali, or doing acro yoga at Eiffel donned the walls at Edmunds.


Employees at Button have unlimited vacation and personal time off. This is a great way to encourage employees to take time off and go on vacation. What's more, the company offers a $500 stipend for vacation expenditures and an additional $500 for spouses to encourage family travel. Isn't it a great way for Button employees to unwind and relax amidst mountains, seas, or forests—whatever fascinates them?

How you can encourage employees to spend time outdoor

Here are some ideas to try!

Introduce an inter-office sports league

Sports are a great way to build team bonding and bring colleagues together. So, why not arrange team sports activities like soccer or cricket where teams can come together under the sun? It will be a great way to encourage employees to spend time outside. Plus, playing a game is always refreshing for the mind and the body. 

Set up a walking challenge

Encourage your employees to go outdoors and reach their step goals. For example, you can ask each employee to walk 10,000 steps a day for a week, and the employees who achieve the goal will be rewarded. Not only is walking 10,000 steps a day beneficial for your physical health but walking out in nature also helps to calm the mind and rejuvenate. 

Encourage walking meetings

Stand-up meetings are popular, so why not walking meetings? Encourage the managers to conduct walking meetings outdoors once in a while if possible. This is not only a great way to get closer to nature, but meeting in a neutral setting will help the employees to open up and share ideas that they otherwise might not feel sharing in a closed office space.  

Partner with a community organization

Look for a local organization that serves to restore public land and waterways where employees can contribute their time. It's a great way to give back to society while spending time outside. You might make it a mandatory program where employees must volunteer once every month. 

Time for action!

These are just a few ideas to help you get started. You can be creative and come up with innovative ideas to encourage your employees to get outdoors. 


Why should companies encourage employees to spend time outdoors?

Companies should encourage outdoor time because it improves work-life balance, enhances productivity, boosts creativity, and provides mental rest, resulting in happier and more engaged employees.

How can organizations incentivize outdoor activities for employees?

Organizations can offer unlimited vacation days, stipends, flexible time-off policies, and unique programs like inter-office sports leagues or walking challenges to motivate employees to spend more time outdoors.

What practical ways to incorporate outdoor activities into the work culture?

Practical steps include:

  • Organizing outdoor team sports.
  • Implementing walking meetings.
  • Partnering with community organizations for outdoor volunteering.
  • Fostering a culture that values regular breaks in natural settings for mental and physical rejuvenation.