Nature Therapy At Work: The Mental Health Benefits of Green Spaces

Recently, individuals have been preferring off-screen activities that help them stay away from the virtual world. This change does not come as a surprise since a large part of our everyday lives is occupied by being in front of some screen, be it for work, education, or entertainment.
Organizations striving to provide assistance and a break from the hectic routine to employees often tend to overlook an important factor—nature. Nature has more benefits for our physical and mental health than you can imagine. Hippocrates, the father of Modern Medicine once said that “Nature itself is the best physician”.
Why Nature Therapy?
- Being around nature, allows you to use your senses more effectively. Different textures, smells, colors, and sounds are capable of activating your senses, which is essentially a very important step in being mindful of any experience. These elements also offer relaxation and bring a sense of calm.
- Spending time in nature is known to activate your parasympathetic nervous system which facilitates recovery and relaxation. That is why office and wellness retreats are usually planned in the lap of nature where individuals can spend maximum time that in turn helps them relax and heal.
- Nature works as an excellent antidote for burnout. Burnout causes an individual’s nervous system to get overloaded and interferes with their mental, physical, and emotional energy. By using nature as a catalyst, an individual can focus on slowing down, getting enough digital, physical, and mental rest, and focusing on recovery and healing. Many Mental Health Professionals across the globe have been prescribing ‘Ecotherapy’ or ‘Green Therapy’ to improve overall wellbeing and implement positive practices in people’s lives.
- Exposure to nature has also shown reduced levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone in the human body and decreased levels of anxiety and stress. An American company called Genzyme implemented green spaces along with ergonomic designs at their workplace after which 88% of employees reported a significant increase in their wellbeing and 75% said that the new design helped their sense of connection with their coworkers.
How to inculcate nature therapy at your workplace?
- Schedule a no-device time every month for a few hours: This may not be possible at all organizations at all times. But whenever possible, in your capacity, try to inculcate a specific hour away from all the digital devices. This is to shift your focus onto the environment and people around you. Whenever you introduce a time off, employees can be encouraged to take a nature walk. A dedicated nature walk is a walk that you take without your gadgets (phone, earphones, smartwatch, etc). The purpose of this walk is not to exercise but to observe the elements present around you and immerse yourself in them. You can do this according to your time as well. Whenever possible, just leave your gadgets at home for some time and take a walk in your favorite place. Pay attention to the various colors present around you, and different kinds of noise. Look out for any specific smells, and try to touch different textures of leaves and flowers around you. Observe the changing temperatures with every passing breeze. If possible, taste a portion of any edible fruit/ seed if it is present in your vicinity. This not only enhances your observation skills but, also helps you relieve stress and ground extremely well.
- Color walk: This is a fun and interesting concept in which you are given a specific color and asked to go on a walk, note down, and observe as many things as you can with the same color. This is a fun way to bring your senses back into the present and focus your attention and thoughts on the surroundings.
- Design your desk to be a calming place for you: Ergonomic designs help encourage productivity and comfort for a working individual. But one can also go a step further and inculcate natural elements that help them calm down, get into a flow and inspire creativity and growth. Setting up a small statue of any idol, having a small indoor plant on your desk that you can touch and smell, keeping a small shell/ stone or souvenir that you may have picked up from your trip on your desk, integrating multiple soothing colors while setting up your desk, using a diary made with a hand rolled paper to write your notes, drinking water out of a copper bottle instead of a plastic bottle/glass are some of the many ways that you can use to remain closer to nature. These well-thought-out changes can bring about a sense of calmness and comfort.
- Host outdoor wellness sessions: No rule says that the wellness sessions or EAP sessions have to be conducted within four walls. Whenever possible, take these sessions away from the artificial lights and four walls of a workplace. Being in the natural light, open space, and around natural sounds facilitates comfort and encourages employees to open up without feeling the burden of adhering to formalities.
How can large corporations integrate nature therapy into their corporate culture?
Corporations can partner with Mental Health Service Providers to implement nature therapy in their culture. MHPs are trained in understanding human needs and tailoring programs to cater to everyone’s wellbeing and growth. Therefore an Organization.