The impact of health awareness programs on employee wellness!

No matter how much we talk about the importance of employee wellbeing in the workplace, it remains a concern. This can be attributed to the fast-paced lifestyle and constant workplace demands. Although taking a day off for sickness is common among corporates, we still have a long way to go when considering taking care of our minds. But there’s no denying that mental ailments can affect productivity and employee performance. If left unaddressed for a long time, the workplace culture and the company's overall growth can be affected.
This article will discuss the benefits of health awareness programs and their impact on employee wellness, along with some examples of health awareness programs at work.
Role of mental health awareness programs
Feeling low, not wanting to get out of bed and show up at work, taking sick leaves for an indefinite period, emotional stress, and fatigue are some common mental health issues at work. If not addressed on time, these issues can lead to bigger health concerns like depression and anxiety. Mental health issues can also create a lot of physical symptoms like insomnia, digestion problems, weight loss, etc.
Despite such health challenges, many employees still keep their feelings locked inside and hesitate to share them with their managers or peers. That's mostly because mental health issues are still taboo in the country. Employees feel their careers can be jeopardized if they disclose their mental health issues. At the same time, stereotypical responses from others are another reason most people don't want to discuss it.
Initiating different mental health awareness programs at the workplace plays a pivotal role in spreading awareness about mental health. It creates a positive workplace culture that opens up an open communication system. A company that has strong mental health awareness programs is already a step forward in normalizing discussion around mental health. In such positive environments, employees feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their concerns.
Examples of employee wellness programs
Here are some examples of what you can do in mental health awareness programs
Regular check-ins
Managers can schedule regular check-ins with their employees to understand their work stress and job satisfaction, address any concerns promptly, and offer resources in case someone needs help.
Employee assistance program
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is one of the most popular ways among companies to support the emotional wellbeing of employees. EAP includes counseling services, surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of programs, and offering a supportive work environment. If you have been considering starting an EAP at your workplace, consider implementing the Manaha Wellness LEAP program. The LEAP Program includes different resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of the employees, including free access to expert sessions designed specifically for HR leaders, covering a range of topics, and providing professional guidance.
Financial wellness program
Although it's not talked about much, it's a crucial topic that also impacts the mental health of employees. By developing financial wellness programs, companies can empower employees to make informed decisions and manage their finances better. Financial wellbeing supports help reduce financial stress and absenteeism and promote a healthy work condition where employees have a clear vision of their finances aligned with their overall job satisfaction.
Impact of health awareness programs
Corporate wellness programs are not just another perks offered to employees by employers. Implementing health awareness programs at work has numerous short- and long-term benefits. Some of these are:
Better health
A comprehensive wellness program takes care of the employee's physical and mental health issues and addresses them on time. This significantly reduces health costs and improves employee attendance.
Improved productivity
A safe workplace allows employees to focus more on work, boosting their productivity. Better productivity also reduces work stress, further improving the employees' mental health. Employees feel more engaged, and job satisfaction is significantly boosted.
Reduce stigma around mental health
An organization that fosters a culture of open communication and conducts programs addressing mental health issues is proactively also reducing the stigma around mental health. Employees in such workplaces feel more comfortable to talk about mental health issues.
Better team collaboration
When employees are mentally healthy, it boosts their work performance. They are better poised to make decisions, spend time fostering workplace relationships with colleagues, and treat one another with empathy and respect. All these factors contribute positively to better team bonding and collaboration
1. How can employers measure the effectiveness of a health awareness program in the workplace?
Employers can assess the effectiveness of health awareness programs by tracking employee participation rates, monitoring changes in sick leave frequency, and conducting regular surveys to gauge employee satisfaction and mental health improvements.
2. What are some common barriers to implementing health awareness programs, and how can they be overcome?
Barriers like lack of resources or management buy-in can be overcome by highlighting the long-term benefits such as improved productivity and reduced healthcare costs. Employers can start with small initiatives, like regular mental health check-ins, to build momentum and engagement.