The HR Dilemma: Balancing talent retention and mental wellbeing

The HR Dilemma: Balancing talent retention and mental wellbeing

Post-pandemic the discussion around mental health at work and employee wellbeing came into the spotlight for multiple reasons. Many organizations recognised the need of the hour and started learning more and implementing strategies that can benefit employee wellbeing and ensure their psychological safety at work as well. It is a great change and it should be here to stay. As we strive to enhance our skills and excel in our professional endeavors, it's crucial to acknowledge that prioritizing self-care yields benefits beyond the workplace. The better we care for ourselves, the greater the positive impact not only on our performance at work but also on other significant aspects of our lives.

Traditionally talent retention in companies was always looked at through the means of offering perks, more opportunities to progress in your career and by offering additional benefits to the employees and their families. Even though it is a great motivating factor and ensures security, it cannot be the only approach that we can inculcate anymore. Today’s work scenario is drastically different from what it used to be until a few decades ago. Mode of work, the involvement of new and constantly evolving technologies, and navigating the International markets have their challenges daily. It has now become more important than ever to create places that can support your employee’s emotional well-being and help them provide with the right platforms to recognize their emotional needs and manage them well. 

HR professionals can implement a few programs and/or introduce initiatives that will align well in accomplishing this goal. Let us have a look at what steps an HR professional can take at their workplace.

Flexible working hours

The flexible working hours allow employees to have better control over their schedule, manage their tasks well, and strike a better work-life balance. By ensuring that the work gets done within said timeline, it also makes employees feel more empowered to make decisions regarding their schedules and helps them get better at managing time. 

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and wellness programs

Employee Assistance Programs are a great way to assist your employees with the right tools. EAPs offer a wide range of services from webinar series to helplines to providing Mental Health First Aid training for the employees. The employees can also access individual counselling sessions with Mental Health Professionals which are 100% confidential. These sessions allow employees to open up about any problems that they are not comfortable discussing elsewhere and provides an opportunity to learn healthy ways of coping with them. 

Manah Wellness offers a range of holistic services that you can avail for your company to transform into a psychologically safe and secure workplace. You can learn more about it here.

Other wellness programs include journaling sessions, listening circles, yoga and stretching classes or stress-buster activities and fun outing for the groups. 

End-of-month emotional check-in:

Along with monthly feedback sessions or review meetings, you can also start conducting regular emotional check-ins with employees to assess their well-being and job satisfaction. Encourage open dialogue and feedback to address any concerns or issues that may arise. There are multiple checklists available online that can be used for it. But it is best done along with the help of a mental health expert. 

Fostering an environment of mutual support, growth, and appreciation over hustle competition, and rivalry:

The company culture can benefit to a great degree if there is mutual support and uplifting of each other instead of company politics, rivalry, and groups.To build this culture it is important to break it down into small but powerful elements like the language that is used, the cooperation found within employees, the level of comfort employees feel while escalating concern with the higher-ups, the transparency and involvement that employees feel when major decisions are being taken. It is of utmost importance to focus on the small things to build a bigger and more long-lasting impact.


  1. How do we ensure that the employees feel adequately supported at work?

This is where regular emotional check-ins can help a lot. These check-ins will give out a lot of data and help you recognize which areas employees need more support in. It is also helpful to conduct regular feedback sessions and keep them anonymous. Keeping them anonymous allows employees to be more transparent and give honest feedback. This can further help you with need analysis. 

  1. What training and educational resources are available to help managers identify and address signs of stress or burnout in their teams?

At Manah Wellness, we offer various resources free of cost that give a better understanding on mental health concerns and how to navigate through them. You can also come across a lot of informative podcasts, courses that you can enrol for, and educational webinars. You can always collaborate with the Mental Health Organization to offer you regular and customized knowledge series through different initiatives. 

  1. How can employees communicate their mental health needs to HR or management?

First of all, employees can learn more about the company policies and resources made available by the company. They can communicate their concerns with the manager or an HR representative by choosing the right time, place, and platform.