How HR Managers Can Protect Their Wellbeing in Stressful Times
Use these mental health and wellbeing tips to thrive even in stressful times

As a human resources professional, you don many hats. Beyond your seemingly endless administrative duties, you are also responsible for your colleagues’ wellbeing and also for building the culture of your workplace.
During the pandemic, this has been tough. Between supporting the transition to remote work, hand-holding employees in distress, and managing your routine work like hiring, performance management, training, etc., many HR professionals found themselves being overwhelmed and burnt out. Many have contemplated quitting their jobs.
If you, too, have been under extreme stress lately, you can use the following mental health tips for HR managers to maintain and maximise your emotional wellbeing.
Mental health tips for HR managers
Check-in with yourself daily: If you are running from one task to another, stop for a minute, and ask yourself a few questions. It could be "How do I feel about my workload today?" or "How should I react to this crisis?" Asking these questions will help you focus on creative and thoughtful solutions instead of functioning on autopilot.
Find a routine: One of the best ways to keep your stress away is to establish a healthy routine. Plan your day first thing in the morning and schedule meetings only after the most challenging tasks have been tackled.
Catch up for coffee outside: If you work from home, find a friend or colleague who works near your location and meet for a quick cuppa outside. If you work from the office, quickly step outside the building to have a healthy beverage of your choice. Being outside helps your body absorb vitamin D, which benefits your mental health and makes you more energetic..
Find healthy outlets to release stress: Remember that being perfect all the time is close to impossible. You are human, and you are allowed to have a bad day now and then. Instead of stressing yourself about feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, look for healthy tools to manage your mental health – such as going for a quick run to clear your mind, or doing a little house-cleaning, or cooking yourself a tasty meal.
Practice gratitude: This simple hack can transform anyone's life. Take five minutes from your crazy day to reflect and write what you are grateful for. It can shift your mindset and is also proven to lower stress.

Physical wellbeing: It is important to move around whenever possible. Try having a walking meeting, cycle to work, or have a fixed time slot for your gym or activity routine. Being physically healthy also has positive effects on mental health. And don't forget about your eating habits either. A healthy diet includes proper hydration and nutritious food.
The Top Physical Symptoms of Work Stress and How to Deal with Them
Sleep well: Usually, humans carry their stress from the workplace to their homes. And it follows well into the darkness, affecting your sleep. Lack of sleep hurts your physical health, mood, and productivity. On the other hand, getting a good 6-8 hours of sleep at night can do wonders for your mental health.
Stay connected with friends and family: Social connections are important for your wellbeing. After the pandemic, many people have lost the ability to socialise without feeling anxious. Meeting large groups of family or friends can also be overwhelming. But, socialising with loved ones can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress. Phone that long-lost friend, invite your neighbour for tea, or visit someone at their home.
Turn your co-workers into friends: If it’s difficult to have a thriving social life outside work, take the opportunity to befriend people at work and take the leap to open up. Some studies show that colleagues who have work buddies have better productivity and higher mental health than people with iron-clad boundaries.
Don't obsess over negative things: Whether it is watching the news or receiving negative feedback at work, don't fret endlessly or indulge in negative self-talk. Obsessing over what you cannot control is one of the quickest ways to lower your own mental health.
Take some time off: How often have you advised people to take the day off if they’re having a hard time? Don't forget to take your own advice. If you feel extremely stressed and need some time off, don’t overthink it. Give yourself time to rejuvenate and return stronger.

Organise your workspace: Take some time out to clean and organise your workspace. If you work from home, make sure you declutter the room. Make it a habit to do this once every week. Being more organised can make you feel in control and less flustered and anxious.
If you want to continue being good at what you do, remember that you need to have a life outside of work. So follow your hobbies. Unplug every day. And practice self-kindness and discipline. Following these mental health tips for HR professionals will help keep you sharp to take on the responsibilities without being overstretched.
Are you an HR or business head, an entrepreneur, or a team leader? If the well-being of your team is a priority, Manah can be your go-to partner. Do check out our services:
Wellbeing Ambassador Programme
Wellbeing Assessments for Employees
Employee therapy and counseling
Wellbeing challenges for organisations.