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Understanding microaggressions and their impact on mental health in the workplace
Most of us have been in a situation at the workplace or otherwise, where someone says or does something and instantly our eyes get a little bigger, our ears stand a little taller and a chill goes through our spine; we feel uncomfortable. These kinds of actions — insensitive statements, questions,
The workspace of the future: How design drives productivity and wellbeing!
Whether you work at home or in the office, every professional knows the importance of workspace design. Implementing a design that promotes productivity and enhances mental health is essential to unlock maximum potential.
Organizations have realized the importance of having a workplace focused on improving productivity and aiding employees in
How to prevent workplace stress from affecting personal life
Companies have been innovating and progressing at a rapid pace. This has transformed the landscape of the global economy, and technological advancements in the world. However, this has come at an expense, an increase in workplace stress for employees. The stress can accumulate to such a point it spills over