Pet therapy: How furry friends can boost your mood and productivity

Pet therapy: How furry friends can boost your mood and productivity

In recent years, pet therapy has gained traction in various settings, including workplaces. The presence of animals, particularly dogs and cats, has offered numerous benefits, from reducing stress to enhancing productivity. This article explores how furry friends can transform the work environment, making it more enjoyable and productive.

The science behind pet therapy

The idea behind pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy, which is a form of complementary and alternative medicine that involves using animals to help people cope with various physical and psychological issues. Pet therapy can be beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds, especially those who suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, or trauma. 

These are some of the scientific explanations for how pet therapy can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve the mental health and wellbeing of employees. 

Animals are stress reducers

A stressful workload is unfortunately fairly common in the average office. A quick snuggle with your animal companion can help keep your blood pressure in check. Little things like petting an animal release stress-reducing endorphins that can calm your nerves and help you focus on the task at hand. 

A cat’s purr is so healing that it can even reduce physical stress by triggering the body’s natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Sitting in a chair all day can take its toll, but what better remedy than a purring cat in your lap? Numerous studies confirm that stress decreases workplace productivity. A little boost from a furry friend will go a long way in keeping employees productive and relaxed.

Animals encourage teamwork 

It is rare for a workplace to be without at least some type of conflict or drama. There are many instances where workers feel like they cannot relate to one another or have difficulty feeling empathy due to a lack of shared interests. But introduce pets, and suddenly everyone has something in common. Small things such as smiling at a co-worker’s pet will help your employees feel more connected to one another and, therefore, more willing to operate as a team.

Building social connections

Have you ever noticed how differently people behave with their pets? Pets can act as social catalysts, helping to build stronger connections between employees. In many workplaces, interactions are limited to work-related conversations. However, the presence of a pet can initiate casual and friendly interactions that may not have occurred otherwise. These interactions can lead to stronger team bonds and a more cohesive work environment.

A survey by Banfield Pet Hospital found that nearly 80% of employees in pet-friendly workplaces feel that pets improve their relationships with colleagues. These improved relationships can translate to better teamwork and communication, which are essential components of a productive workplace.

Office pet guidelines

While the benefits of pet therapy in the workplace are clear, it's essential to implement such a program thoughtfully to ensure it is successful and inclusive. Here are some considerations for employers:

  1. Allergies and phobias: Ensure that the introduction of pets does not negatively impact employees with allergies or phobias. This may involve designating pet-free zones or allowing remote work options on pet-friendly days.
  2. Pet behavior: Only well-behaved and trained pets should be allowed in the workplace to prevent disruptions and maintain a safe environment.
  3. Cleanliness: Maintain a clean environment by providing pet waste stations and encouraging pet owners to be responsible for their pets’ hygiene.
  4. Pilot program: Start with a pilot program to gauge employee reactions and make necessary adjustments before fully integrating pets into the workplace.

More examples

  • Tech companies: Google, Amazon and Facebook are among tech giants allowing pets. Perks boost the morale of the young, mobile workforce. Dogs roam Google's colourful campus, reducing absenteeism and increasing collaboration (Bauer, 2003).
  • Hospitals discover wellness impact: Cincinnati Children's Hospital found pet therapy dogs diminished patient and staff stress, boosting morale. Pet-owning nurses took 25% fewer sick days than non-pet owners (Heath, 2014).

When implemented responsibly through clear guidelines, pet-friendly policies can become a powerful recruiting and retention tool with multiple bottom-line benefits. Embracing pets as valued coworkers represents an innovative step all employers should consider to attract and retain the highly skilled workforce critical to organizational success in today's competitive landscape.


How can we manage employees with pet allergies in a pet-friendly workplace?

Implement designated pet-free zones and consider flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or pet-free days. 

What types of pets are best suited for the workplace?

Generally, well-behaved and trained dogs and cats are most common. It’s essential to ensure the pet’s temperament is suitable for a busy office environment.

Are there any legal considerations for allowing pets in the workplace?

Yes, employers should review local laws and regulations regarding pets in public spaces and ensure they have policies in place for pet behaviour and hygiene. The size of the space available is also a factor to consider as per the law.