Don't Clip My Wings

To clip one’s wings means restricting one’s freedom, power, or full potential. A reference to the practice of clipping a bird’s wings to prevent it from flying.

It’s unfortunate that more often than not, the people who are closest to us are the ones who end up clipping our wings. There are many reasons as to why they would do that, their concern or whatever, but the end result is mostly the same. You end up resenting the person or drift away from them over time.

Every individual deserves freedom, the right to make their own life decisions and choices. The failure or inability to do so leads to repressed emotions and affects their self-esteem. If you can’t lead your life the way you want to, you can’t really be happy now, can you?

Making mistakes and learning from them is one of the most important parts of life. It tends to build character and gives you a personality. You get to know your strengths and weaknesses and there’s so much a person can achieve by exploring and pushing themselves. But if we are not able to do any of that cause of the puppet masters holding our strings, who are we? An extension of our masters? How long before the puppet wakes up from the trance and tries to break free?

Don’t do this!

Don’t do that!

It’s okay for parents to guide their kids when they can’t think for themselves, but it has to cease at some point. As we grow older, in some instances, a parent figure is replaced by another dominating person that holds the strings. Now, some people might appreciate having such a person in their life but what are they going to do when this person goes away. On the other end of the spectrum, you have repressed and frustrated individuals itching to break free.

Does any of this sound healthy to you?

“Until you spread your wings, you’ll have no idea how far you can fly”
- Napoléon Bonaparte

Manah Wellness is an employee engagement and wellbeing brand that provides innovative tools and professional support to businesses of all sizes. Founded by wellbeing experts and seasoned entrepreneurs, the company has an experienced team of psychologists and professionals who support individuals and teams with preventive, proactive, and personalized solutions for emotional and mental health, wellness, and professional growth. Manah empowers employees to track, assess, and understand their wellbeing, and how it changes over time. It also enables leaders to make more informed decisions with aggregated and anonymous data.

Manah has supported employees at more than 50 organizations with high levels of employee engagement, and positive feedback from employees on their improved wellbeing. Whether your goal is to lend wellness support to specific team members or to build a company culture that promotes emotional well-being, Manah Wellness has the virtual tools and expertise to support your journey. Get in touch with our team of qualified mental health professionals to discuss your organizational goals, and be part of a growing workplace wellbeing community with Manah."

Browse wellbeing services and knowledge resources to support wellbeing and growth at your workplace:

Wellbeing Ambassador Training Programme for Corporates

Wellbeing Challenges for high-performance teams

Wellbeing Assessments for employees

Employee Counseling and Therapy

Virtual onboarding best practices for 2022

Employee motivation strategies to maintain team morale

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