Digital detox: Unplugging to recharge your mind and soul.

Digital detox: Unplugging to recharge your mind and soul.

People have done more things online in the last 4 years, post-pandemic than they ever had in their lives. From senior citizens learning to use apps to individuals shifting to a digital nomadic lifestyle, the world has been witnessing an evolution in the way the work culture everywhere is being re-defined. 

When so much of the work is happening online, it also comes with its own cost. In this article, we will look at how the digital world could be affecting us and ways to disconnect from it from time to time to connect back with ourselves. 

Information overload: When you Google a simple word, you are served with 10 different articles, video links, tutorials, and reviews about it. While this is helpful most of the time, it can also make you feel overwhelmed with a lot of information, leaving you even more confused or ‘stuck’ and unable to decide how to proceed forward. Constant bombardment from different apps can make your mind feel cluttered and exhausted. It can also make you compare yourself constantly with others and develop a critical approach towards yourself. 

Hampered productivity and concentration: Constant interruptions from digital devices can hinder productivity. Imagine having multiple tabs open in your mind simultaneously. At every passing minute, you have to make a choice and prioritize something over the other. These disturbances can affect your workflow and cause a decrease in productivity.

Disturbed work-life balance: Being online and tied to your devices creates a false impression of your constant availability to the other person. It can make them feel like you are accessible at every given point. This can especially become problematic when you work online and remotely. Therefore it is important to create healthy boundaries that will help you differentiate your personal and professional life.

How can digital detox help your mental wellbeing?

When you consciously choose to be away from your devices, you make a commitment to yourself and prioritize something else over your devices. This intention plays a big role in determining your actions. 

Digital detox acts as a cleanse for the mind by allowing you to declutter and bring forth what is actually important. Practicing digital detox when your work requires you to be online can be a bit difficult but it's not impossible to achieve. 

With some planning and focused work, you can practice digital detox at work too. 

Here are some ways to take into consideration before you start your digital detox: 

  • Make sure you have informed your manager and colleagues about this. If possible provide them a point of contact they can reach out to in your absence. This can allow them to plan things accordingly and help you remain more focused during your detox.
  • Plan ahead and choose a day and time that works best for you. 
  • Inform your family members and loved ones about the detox. By letting people know about your detox, you are making yourself freer from the roles and duties you play for that particular period. 

How can you plan digital detox?

Always start with the basics: Encourage your employees to understand their truest intention behind this and let it guide their actions. Employees can start by identifying what devices they would want to disconnect from and identify a time. When planning, plan about what you will do in your free time. You can pursue a hobby, journal, spend time talking to your colleagues, decorate your desk, and do anything that makes you feel relaxed. If you are working remotely, you can take a walk in a nearby park, read your favorite book, cook your favorite meal/ snack, or practice any art form. Allow yourself some generous time to think about all that you want to do during the off-time. 

Schedule detox periods: Determine when the digital detox will take place. It could be a designated day or week where employees are encouraged to limit their digital device usage or completely disconnect from work-related communications outside of office hours.

Encourage team participation: Rather than making it a forceful activity, try to foster a supportive environment where teams can participate together in the digital detox. Encourage team leaders to promote the initiative and lead by example. 

Create digital-free zones: Designate specific areas within the workplace where digital devices are prohibited or discouraged, such as break rooms, relaxation areas, or during certain meetings. This will also help in developing a long-term association for the employees.

Celebrate success: Recognize and celebrate milestones or achievements related to the digital detox initiative. This could include debriefing, and acknowledging teams or individuals who successfully embraced the detox and its benefits. Reflections go a long way in making employees more aware of their habits.


Can we provide any engagement activities for the employees during their digital detox?

Certainly. The intention behind the digital detox is to help employees destress relax and reconnect with other important things. It can involve themselves, their colleagues, and the environment around them. EAP services can have Mental Health Practitioners design and execute activities that allow employees to reflect and learn more about self-care and emotional management. 

When is it best to start the digital detox practice?

 You do not have to reach a point of exhaustion, burnout, and extreme distress to implement digital detox. You can start implementing it even when you feel you’re doing okay. Practicing it for one day will not guarantee you any sustainable results. That’s why we’re focusing on building a long-term practice.