Surviving office change: How to transition without losing your mind (or your lunch)

Surviving office change: How to transition without losing your mind (or your lunch)

Since you're here, you're likely expecting an office change and looking for transition tips. Perhaps you're wondering if it is possible to go to your new workplace, do your job, and come home without stressing about the new setup, the daily commute, the new colleagues, the new processes, and office politics. 

Ask me! In my 20 years of corporate life, I have transitioned jobs more than a dozen times and seen it all. In an ideal situation, I would have suggested you stay strong, do your job, don't think your colleagues are your friends, save up, and retire as soon as possible. But then, we don't live in an ideal world. So, in this article, I will share some useful tips to help your office transition from my personal experience. 

Tip 1: Embrace it

When you know that a change is coming your way, embrace it. The faster you can embrace the change, the better you will be prepared to handle the change. One way to embrace change is regularly practicing positive thinking about the change. Whether you're getting a new manager, job, role, or coworker, consider the change will positively impact your career. When you think about the positives of the change, you will be better prepared to embrace it.

Tip 2: Ask questions

If you're entering a change, ask as many questions as needed to clarify the expectations. Clarity in job responsibility will help you manage stress better. Whether you are entering new job responsibilities, procedures, or roles, asking the simplest questions can give you the clarity you need. Lastly, don't shy away from asking the simplest of questions, as these questions can help you understand why the changes are necessary.

Tip 3: Seek support

Find your safe place and ask for support if needed. These people could be your friends and family who will listen to you without being judgmental. Venting about your worries can help you manage stress and maintain your sanity without losing your lunch 🙂

Tip 4: Take time off 

If the change is overwhelming or you feel too stressed about the upcoming change, it's always a good idea to take some time off. This time will help you calm down and also assess the whole situation. You can use the time to formulate a better strategy for dealing with the situation. Time off will help you avoid burnout and return to work with revived energy. 

Tip 5: Let it go!

Avoid spending too much time thinking about how things were before the change happened. While it's okay to revisit those memories occasionally, clinging too much to the past will prevent you from embracing the present wholeheartedly. So sing it out loud… let it go!

Tip 6: Be ready to deal with anything

Staying vigilant and prepared for any situation will help you sail through it easily. The trick is to stay attentive to subtle changes that can prepare you for the consequal changes to come. Have long-term projects been suddenly put on hold? Are talented employees suddenly starting to jump the ship? Probably, it's time for you to move jobs, switch roles, or switch to other projects. Reading these early signs will help you stay prepared and survive the change without losing your mind. 

Tip 7: Remember what is new today becomes routine tomorrow

One of the best ways to deal with office change is to accept it as part of your work life. This ensures that what's new today will eventually become a routine. You will adapt to the new role/job/procedures within a few weeks. 

Tip 8: Be proactive 

If your new job role requires you to perform new job duties, invest time in learning the new procedures/technology. Take the initiative to become comfortable with it. Enroll in a relevant course and upskill yourself so that you are well prepared and can quickly adapt to the new responsibilities. 

Are you ready for the office change?

While change may seem unsettling, preparing early can help you deal with it stress-free. Be proactive, invest time in learning the process, discuss your situation with a friend, and ask questions about the change to stay prepared.

So, are you ready for the change?


How do you adapt to change in the workplace?

To adapt to change in the workplace, it's important to stay flexible and open-minded. Seek learning opportunities to grow and thrive in the new workplace environment. 

How do you deal with office politics as a manager?

Dealing with office politics as a manager can be challenging. To mitigate disputes, focus on fostering transparency, fairness, and open communication. Also, focus on merit-based decision-making to stay fair to everyone. 

Changes in the workplace examples?

An example of changes in the workplace could be job role transformation due to the implementation of AI and automation. The shift to a remote work model and the use of more collaborative tools can be another example of changes in the workplace.