Is Someone You Know Being Bullied at Work?
It is important to recognise the signs of bullying at the workplace to aid in prevention, and early intervention
By Arathi Kannan
Being bullied can have a negative impact on a person’s wellbeing. The perpetrator feels the need to control a targeted person. The person being bullied finds it increasingly difficult to focus on their work owing to this targeted harassment; their enthusiasm for work also decreases. Recognizing the common signs of bullying can help prevent it, and take action when required.

Sometimes people who experience bullying at their workplace might not talk about it openly. This could be because they have difficulty understanding what is happening to them, or don’t want to reveal that they are being bullied. Understanding how a friend or a colleague is being bullied at work can help in early intervention.

It is imperative for organizations to have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying at the workplace. This, along with awareness about the issue, will go a long way in creating the kind of work environment that is essential for employees’ wellbeing.
This article has been republished with permission from the Workplace Mental Health section of the White Swan Foundation's website .