The connection between leadership and employee mental health

Individuals in leadership positions are expected to set an example for their employees. People in leadership positions tend to have higher levels of expertise and managerial skills than their employees. This encourages employees to look up to their leaders as a role model. Hence, leaders play an integral role in shaping the work culture, especially shaping employee mental health.

The way a leader interacts with their team can greatly impact the overall mental wellbeing of employees. It can affect interpersonal relationships between colleagues as well. This blog focuses on the effects of empathetic leadership and why it is needed today. 

Understanding empathetic leadership

Empathy is the ability to understand and share emotions other people feel. This helps people feel less lonely during hardships. Leaders who demonstrate empathy when interacting with their employees are more likely to have happier and more satisfied employees.

There are certain traits all empathetic leaders should possess. These are active listening, compassion, and understanding of their employees. Leaders can use these simple skills to foster a positive environment supporting employee wellbeing. This increases employee engagement and job satisfaction which drives performance tremendously.

Impact of leadership styles on employee mental health

Different approaches to leadership can result in varying impacts on employee mental health. Leadership styles include autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership, and empathetic leadership. These differ from each other in the degree to which there is participation from employees in the decision-making process in the workplace. Leadership styles that incorporate nearly full autonomy for employees are laissez-faire, then democratic, and last with the least amount of employee input is autocratic. 

Empathetic leadership is distinct from these styles of leadership as this involves leading the team with compassion, understanding, and empathy. This leadership style includes leaders being open to discussions and criticism from the employees and providing them with emotional support. This style of leadership is known to positively impact employee mental wellbeing. This helps in building trust and loyalty within the team, which allows employees to feel more positive and motivated to work as a team.

Strategies for cultivating empathy in leadership

Cultivating empathy in leadership styles requires a few steps of active involvement in the workplace. This could be in the form of working closely with employees, ensuring and encouraging employee wellbeing, and more. Let’s take a look at a few ways leadership styles can practice empathy:

Active listening: A key component to achieving empathetic leadership is active listening. Leaders should always be ready to listen to their team’s concerns. Leaders need to be for their employees when needed. Whether it is a professional or personal matter, leaders should always support their employees and refer to professional help when required.

Purposeful leadership: Having a shared vision and purpose boosts team cohesiveness. Empathetic leaders should be deeply committed to their personal and organizational purposes. This will reflect in the team, and they will echo the commitment which inspires the team to work harder.

Self-compassion: Leaders practicing empathy need to realize that they too are humans. While one may excel at multiple things, they will have limitations. Taking breaks, and relaxing to maintain wellbeing is important for leaders and their employees. This promotes a positive mental wellbeing environment for employees to take necessary breaks to avoid burnout.

Patience: Empathetic leaders are aware that change takes time and patience. Furthermore, they are empathetic when employees make mistakes. Leaders should possess high levels of patience when navigating situations and managing employees.

Ensure rest: Having adequate sleep and rest is essential for the body to function at its full capacity. The more well-rested employees one has, the more attentive and present at the moment they are. This allows them to attend and process stimuli in their environment making them aware of their surroundings.

Empowering leaders to support mental health

To create a resilient and thriving workforce, leaders must be empowered to support mental health. Prioritizing mental health will illustrate an inclusive and supportive workforce. Providing leaders with the right resources and information to support mental health can boost the overall wellbeing of the team. Empowering leaders to support mental health can look like:

Mental health training: Sessions educating leaders on mental health can offer valuable information required to understand and navigate such situations. These sessions can teach early signs of mental health struggles, effective communication strategies to support an employee, how to offer accommodation and support to an employee going through mental struggles, and how to promote work-life balance to improve overall team performance.

Access to counsel services: Providing access to counsel services can be crucial for leaders to navigate mental health concerns in the office. Oftentimes many of us recognize the need for professional help but simply do not have access to it. Empowering leaders to provide the information needed to access this service to their employees is crucial to improving mental health in the workplace.

Policies and practices: Introducing office policies and practices that target mental wellbeing can greatly empower leaders to support mental health. Offering mental health days off or flexible work schedules can all provide a more accommodating workspace to employees who require it.

Empathetic leadership can greatly change the trajectory of a company. Leaders who are supportive of employees can create a safe space for them in the office. It can positively tackle and bring necessary changes into the workplace by improving employee mental health. Focusing on employee mental health and openly discussing such matters will increase the motivation and job satisfaction of employees. This can drive performance and enhance employee retention rates. Following the simple steps above any leader can adopt an empathetic leadership style to enhance the mental wellbeing of employees.


What is empathetic leadership?

Empathetic leadership involves understanding and being sensitive to the feelings and perspectives of employees.

How does empathetic leadership impact employee mental health?

Empathetic leadership positively influences employee mental health by creating a supportive and understanding work environment.

What are some traits of an empathetic leader?

Key traits include active listening, compassion, and providing emotional support to employees.

How can organizations cultivate empathetic leadership?

Organizations can provide training, promote a supportive culture, and offer resources for leaders to develop empathy and prioritize employee well-being.