Laughing through the chaos: Humor as a mental health superpower

Laughing through the chaos: Humor as a mental health superpower

In the high-pressure environment of the modern workplace, maintaining mental wellness is becoming increasingly challenging. Deadlines loom, workloads increase, and the balance between personal and professional life often tips in favour of the latter. Amidst this chaos, humour emerges as a surprising yet powerful tool to enhance mental health. Incorporating humour into the workplace can transform stress into resilience, tension into camaraderie, and anxiety into creativity.

We have beliefs in our head that work is ‘serious work’ and that humour is in opposition to seriousness. There has been a tendency to view humour and work at opposite ends of a spectrum, and to achieve 'work', we cannot have humour.

We do however tend to view humour in others more positively. We like our bosses to have a sense of humour. Though in ourselves, we tend to 'edit the humour out' in the workplace.

Why is humour an effective method?

The science of laughter is a chemical reaction. Naturally, as we laugh our brains produce less cortisol, which leads to a reduction in stress, resulting in a sense of calm. More endorphins and oxytocin are released (often referred to as the love hormone), which comparatively gives us the same feeling as meditation, exercise and sex. (Although perhaps you won’t want to associate that with anyone at work.) However, the aforementioned ‘good highs’ are all foolproof and HR-approved. 

Long-term effects of laughter

  • Improve your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. By contrast, positive thoughts can release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more serious illnesses.
  • Relieve pain. Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its natural painkillers.
  • Increase personal satisfaction. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations. It also helps you connect with other people.
  • Improve your mood. Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your stress, depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier. It can also improve your self-esteem.

Building camaraderie with humor

A workplace that encourages humour cultivates stronger interpersonal relationships. Shared laughter builds a sense of community and trust among colleagues. When employees feel comfortable sharing a joke or laughing together, they are more likely to communicate openly and collaborate effectively.

Creativity and innovation through humor

Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain, enhancing creativity and problem-solving abilities. When teams laugh together, they become more open to new ideas and innovative solutions. This can lead to groundbreaking projects and creative breakthroughs that drive the organization forward.

Implementing humor in the workplace

While humour has many benefits, it is important to use it appropriately in the workplace. Here are some strategies to integrate humour effectively:

  1. Encourage lighthearted interactions: Create opportunities for employees to share jokes, funny stories, or lighthearted content. This can be done through team meetings, internal chat channels, or casual gatherings.
  2. Lead by example: Leaders can start a team meeting with a funny short video clip or story.
  3. Create fun team-building activities: Organize activities that promote laughter, such as game nights, comedy shows, or improv workshops. These events can break down barriers and build stronger relationships among team members.
  4. Respect boundaries: Ensure that humour is inclusive and respectful. Avoid jokes that might be offensive or inappropriate. The goal is to foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable.
  5. Celebrate humor: Recognize and celebrate moments of humour in the workplace. This could be as simple as highlighting funny incidents in a company newsletter or creating awards for the funniest team member.

Overcoming challenges

Integrating humour into the workplace is not without challenges. Some employees may be hesitant to participate, fearing it might be unprofessional or inappropriate. To overcome this, it is important to create a culture where humour is seen as a positive and accepted part of the work environment.

Additionally, cultural differences can influence how humour is perceived. What is funny in one culture might not be in another. Sensitivity and awareness are key to ensuring that humour is used effectively and inclusively.


Don’t worry about trying to be funny, chances are employees would appreciate any kind of levity during their working day. Not only does this foster an environment for employees to do the same, but it also breaks the ice and creates a happy work culture. 

Laughter and humour can be learnt; they can evolve, and they are something leaders can integrate into the workplace if taken seriously. To not only boost overall performance and career progression but to make space for a happy workplace.


How can humour help with workplace stress?

Humor releases endorphins, reduces stress hormones, and provides a mental break, making stressful situations more manageable and promoting a positive work environment.

What are some ways to incorporate humour at work without being inappropriate?

Encourage lighthearted interactions, lead by example, organize fun activities, respect boundaries, and celebrate humour in a way that is inclusive and respectful of all employees.

Can humour improve productivity and creativity?

Yes, humour fosters a relaxed atmosphere that encourages free thinking and risk-taking, which are essential for creative problem-solving and productivity.